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Identity       Direction      Connection

Welcome to True North Coaching, the destination for transforming leadership and developing flourishing organizations.


Leaders, through their choices and actions, create either a promising future or a toxic environment. Each decision and action can inspire hope or inhibit growth. Their influence extends beyond individuals to shape the collective destiny of communities and families. It is essential for leaders to recognize the extension of their influence and exercise thoughtful judgment, as their decisions hold the power to uplift and empower or undermine and poison.


Are you tired of witnessing the adverse impact of poor leadership on your team's morale and overall performance? Longing for an inspiring leader who can navigate your organization toward resounding success? You’ve come to the right place. Our executive coaching empowers leaders, unleashing their full potential and catalyzing a ripple effect that permeates throughout everyday interactions.


In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, effective leadership has become an invaluable asset. Unfortunately, many organizations grapple with the repercussions of subpar leadership. Lackluster teams, diminished employee engagement, and missed growth opportunities plague these environments.


At True North Coaching, we firmly believe that exceptional leadership rests on the foundation of self-mastery. Our coaching methodology revolves around three fundamental pillars: cognitive, emotional, and physical. These pillars serve as the bedrock upon which extraordinary leaders are forged.


  • Cognitive mastery entails refining mental agility, expanding problem-solving acumen, and enhancing strategic thinking. By attaining clarity of vision and embracing innovative perspectives, you will make informed decisions that propel your organization forward.

  • Emotional mastery revolves around self-awareness, empathy, and emotional intelligence. By comprehending your own emotions and effectively managing them, you will cultivate stronger relationships, foster a positive work culture, and inspire your team to surpass their potential.

  • Physical mastery acknowledges the vital link between physical well-being and leadership efficacy. You will bolster your energy, focus, and overall performance by prioritizing self-care, maintaining a harmonious work-life balance, and adopting practices that promote resilience.


At True North Coaching, we unlock potential in every person by addressing these three pillars of self-mastery. With personalized support, practical tools, and actionable strategies, we will empower your people to become the exceptional leaders the organization needs.


Take the first step: Join us at True North Coaching and embark on a transformative coaching experience that will revolutionize your leadership and elevate your organization.

Join Us

I'm Shyane, high performance coach and trauma-informed breathwork facilitator. I am deeply passionate about finding inner peace and freedom for all. We can work together one-on-one or in a group setting where everyone shares the same vision.


This is your invitation: Become True North Certified and commit to living every day at a heightened standard.


I’d love to learn more about your organization and your people. Let’s get in touch.

Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can meet your needs.


A Way of Being

Learn ways to live with more joy, radiance, and connection to oneself.


Nourished Femme

Enter a community of women where you’re allowed to be—and love—yourself.

"It completely changed how I deal with people in their different energies. Made me feel stronger, safer and loved."




Shyane Montgomery

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